Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Journey

No sense in going back...the signs have always been there.  Medically, I have had a rough time, for the past 15 years.  After all this time, medical tests, and plenty of doctor visits; I was diagnosed with a rare Myeloproliferative Neoplasm called, Polycythemia Vera.  In a nutshell, my bone marrow is proliferating, multiplying, uncontrollably.  This disease, for which there is no cure, targets the three blood cell lines in my bone marrow, especially the red cells.  My blood levels will need to be contained, for my entire life.  This will be done either through phlebotomy, removing excess blood, or with myelosuppressive drugs, which consists of a daily chemo pill that will halt the progression of my disease, until it is "my" time, or a cure is found.

The daily act of accepting this diagnosis, is one of the hardest experiences in my life.  I have begun to appreciate the small things, love life more, and show others how much I love them.  My family, living in my home, is the one that I count on for my daily needs.  I do not drive, some days are definitely better than others...I have to remember when I feel good that I am actually taking a pill everyday to save my life, and put it all into perspective.  So far, so good.  Two weeks into "treatment", and things are doing well.

Due to the fact that I will not be able to gain employment, really, who wants a full time chemo patient on payroll; I am beginning to work on my crafting and am taking this opportunity to "restart" a business plan from several years ago.  When we were crafting like crazy, things were going good. Since the disease, I have had very little energy or drive to get off the couch, let alone craft.

Now, is the time!  Store is ready to launch, but when I say store, it is through social media that I am attempting to gain a solid base of people interested in homemade crafts, at normal prices.  My goal is to provide items that are one of a kind; and unique to an individual.  I also love to try new things, so if you have a special want or need, let me know and we can try to accommodate you.  Looking forward to an upcoming project for the Kentucky Derby!!  A specialized hat!  Way fun!

This business isn't all fun and games; my reality is, financially we are a one income family.  With four children, this is sometimes difficult.  As well, even though my insurance is working well now, it is always an unstable situation!  The opportunity to do what I love, will help our family with the extra burden upon our family.

Thank you so much for taking the time to spread the word about this up and coming unique shopping experience.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact me!

Cara Lynn McLaughlin

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